Be Obsessed To Get Healthy Skin Not “Fair Skin”
Skin colour has been the hot topic since time immemorial itself, and years later, it still is. The obsession with being white or fairer has so much pressure leading to an impact created by society, distinguishing between the pales, whites, browns, and blacks, which is futile. The beauty community is establishing criteria to look a certain way like be curvy, but not have bulging stomach or be white neither pale nor have colour. For them, everything is a trend just like they promote fairness but then a couple of years ago the ‘fake tan’ got popular and everyone, was now paying money to not look white anymore. Bashing people of colour for being the way they are only to transform your original colour to appear more tanned, where’s the logic?
Skin color ranges in variety from darkest brown to the palest hues due to genes, the evolution of life, and exposure to the sun. The main factor is a pigment substance called melanin, which is responsible for the shades of skin color. Melanin content is not under anyone's’ control just as the way you look is not within your hands and no one can take responsibility for the same; people are born with it while some have a high percentage and others low. In India, you will find diverse skin shades from North to South and East to West.
What TNW Believes?
TNW is one such natural ayurvedic company that not only has premium beneficial products laid out straight from Mother Nature itself. They support all skin types, colours, and have different products for different satisfaction because they focus more on offering everyone healthy, hydrated, glowing, and soft skin. Keeping the health of your skin and maintaining it fresh from all impurities is ideal, which is indeed their motto and thus they manufacture products accordingly to make the customers achieve beautiful and healthy skin owning to skin colour doesn’t matter.
Handmade soaps:
Potato Rice Soap is a handmade soap for face & body that is Paraben/ Sulphate/ Dye/ Silicon free. The anti-inflammatory property works wonders with tanning, eliminate spots on the skin, balance the pH level of the skin while keeping it moisturized. Oats & Honey Soap cleanses, exfoliates the dead skin cells, removes tanning, and reduces the pores on our skin preventing it from absolute dryness. SKINFIX D-Tan & D-Pigmentation pack helps to remove tanning that has occurred due to exposure of sun it will help to retain your original skin colour. TNW believes in enhancing your true skin and glorify it by making it utterly healthy. None of TNW products are discriminatory nor do we
Grow out of the stigma that skin colour can be changed to what the society prefers or what the current trend is, instead just love who you are and what you have become, no matter what, because you are accountable to YOURSELF ONLY. If you don’t love your skin colour and your body then who will? The mere colour of your skin doesn’t define your qualities, you do.
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